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DeathsCorona Virus
How come viruses always come from
First thing I'd suggest
before reading and listening to all this
is get your shit together, lol
How come democrats always sell
nuclear secrets to China,
get paid under the table by China?
Why does shadow deepstate companies
buy their extremely low quality
communist made crap?
Try buying American to stop
virus spreads coming here!
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and put my link if you want
As first video states.
They are making
to CREATE fear among the masses
Possibly the greatest trade deal ever inked
was between the flu virus and #coronavirus.
So glad nobody is dying of the flu anymore,
and therefore the CDC has abruptly decided
to stop calculating flu deaths altogether.
Agreements between viruses
are the way of the future!
Wikipedia Corona
There is no such thing as CoronaVirus19.
It's the Sars virus injected with HIV Mers and Corona
which escaped from Bidens China bio weapons lab in China.
Mask wont do a damned thing except keep dust out.
That was stated by the CDC themselves.
Mask will give you CoronaVirus19 / SarsCovMersHIV19
Mask cause a cold to turn into a lung infection
which can lead to death.
Mask cause nasal infection which can lead to death.
Mask cause you to breathe in your own carbons
and poison you which can kill you.
Mask cause herpes to fester and could cause you to
have your lips cut off up to death and shingles.
Mask do hide ugly faces though.
Mask do expose stupidity.
Mask make it hard for deaf people to
communicate or understand.
Mask kill people who have emphysema folks
Math: As of 8/16/2020 pertaining to bullshit I see and hear daily perpetrated by the DeepState fagots.
Current US population LINK 330,132,047
Current total case including healed people for which they don't delete. 5,285,546
Current deaths 167,546
Infection ratio .01601039962. In other words .01% or 1/10th of 1% including a 300% false positive inclusion ration (False Flag but whatever)
Probability of death .00050751207
Probability of getting hit by lightning in your flash of a lifetime .003%
Getting dead from #CoronaVirus is 100 times less likely than getting hit by lightning as of the day of my math. If not accurate then prove me wrong.
Amount of people who come up positive from leaving the lines to get tested because it was taking too long or they had things to do like go to the bathroom or sleep etc is 100% in Florida where #VoterFraud is a BIG PROBLEM.
Probability of a mask stopping a Virus is 0%
6 feet back
6 feet forward
6 feet apart
Wearing a mask is a satanic ritual and nothing less.
Everyone uses them store bathrooms.
Why do they shut down essential #Gyms
Gyms are 10,000 times cleaner than any grocery store. Gyms are self cleaning as it is a requirement you do so or you lose your membership. So why do they do that? Drive behind a grocery store and look at what I'm saying. I know. I've worked at 20 grocery stores. Not going to go into horror stories. Just stating a FACT. Are they fattening us up as a product for oil when they kill us off through #Agenda21 ? Sure seems like it. Gym is an essential life element to sustain health and the human body requires exercise. Think about it. They keep you indoors to get fat. Corona Virus attacks fat people. If you go to the hospital you know because of the way hospitals keep it gloomy and nauseating so you will generate a cold which is THE CORONA VIRUS and then they'll do the CDC mandated therapy of a lung pump to further aggravate what you didn't have in the first place into a lung infection and nasal infection and kill your ass.
Why are they mandating people who live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere to wear a mask? Because prolonged use of a mask will give you lung and nasal infection, cold, flu like symptoms, false positive of a virus that's .000001% harmful and virtually non existent and even so wont do shit unless you are already sick because doctors don't evaluate your entire body every day to know if your sick or have anything wrong as it is impossible unless you are part CYBORG and that's not true. YET.
Moral of the story is VOTE RED and let's collectively destroy the deepstate so we don't all die or be killed.
A billion FEMA coffins are waiting your decision.
We all need to be on the same side of common sense here.
According to confirmed cases. We are being lied to like crazy. LINK
Marberg (1967)466
Ebola* (1976)33,577
Hendra (1994)74
H5N1 Bird Flu (1997)861
Nipah (1998)513
SARS (2002)8,096
H1N1** (2009)762,630,000
H7N9 Bird Flu (2013)1,568
2019-nCoV* (2020)11,871
All further information on this statistic can be found at Statista
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