Is The Nazi Party

Most Ultimate Video Ever!!!

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OANN on 2000 Mules commentary


The NAZI REGIME currently holding the
Whitehouse hostage has given terrorist $86,000,000,000.00
in weapons and I hypothesize they will invade the U.S.A.
through the Arizona southern border as we are target #1
Largest nuclear plant on earth
Open border
5th largest city in the U.S.A.
Perennial winds sweep eastward killing millions
Question Anonymous sources
Obama Funded ISIS HAMAS HEZBOLLAH ALQUEDA with pallets of US Dollars!!!
He murdered Muammar Gaddafi. CIA murdered Saddam. WHY?
They protected Christians and were set to use the
Here's a kicker.
Guns that were ran into Mexico was NOT A STING.
They were a staging ground and a distribution point to arm McCain's CIA operatives in Syria to MURDER
another Chistian protecting president. Assad.
From Mexico the guns went to,,, BENGHAZI.
Now you see it???

Hillary is KKK NAZI by the way.
Image is a link to her KKK video
Stupid ass KKK Democrats say the republicans and democrats switched sides.
Answer me this. Has space and matter switched sides?
Who can be that stupid?
The poison our foods for a reason.

Nazi Trail

Prescott Bush funneled money to the NAZI PARTY / HITLER

Mueller: BUSH FUNDED THE 9/11 Attack | Tore Says

(13) Dark Legacy: George Bush And The Murder Of John Kennedy - YouTube

September 11 cameraman claims he’s got proof the George W Bush administration was behind terror attacks (

Prescott Bush - NAZI - Republican

George H W Bush - NAZI - Republican

George W Bush - NAZI - Republican

Bill and Hillary Clinton - KKK NAZI - Democrat

Obama (Barry Sotero) - Islamist Radical NAZI - Democrat

Biden - KKK NAZI - Democrat

Who's missing here?

You guess it.

The guys who are


What is DeepState?
By Crazy Ken ( They call factual people Crazy. That's why I use that name )

Nazi's didn't lose WW2. In fact they won. How's that? Here's my hypothesis on why and how. 
Prescott Bush: George H W Bush's dad funneled money to Hitler. Why? Is that really needing a why?
George H W Bush worked for the CIA and oversaw the John F Kennedy assassination.
Kennedy was trying to stop the New World Order. John F Kennedy was one of the last REAL democrats. If he were alive today he would be a Republican.
Then behold. George H Bush became president and introduced the concept of a New World Order.
New world order is a one world satanic empire where rights are striped away and the entire planet is ran by Medieval communist rule.
Allah AKA Satan AKA Moon Goddess is risen by what? You got it. Child sacrifices. (Abortions).

Click To Save

Note: WTC buildings were laced with nano thermite and it was found everywhere there.
Trump was quoted as saying those buildings could have taken many plane impacts and never fallen.
They were designed with massive amounts of steel.
I build buildings. I know.

2nd note. Building 7 housed plans for 911 and was not hit yet it fell and it had 3 times the insurance
They were given orders to "PULL" which is demolition terms for take it down.
That takes about a month or two to make that happen.
So how did it happen in an hour?
Why did I get banned from Facebutt for posting a tomahawk cruise missile
Hitting the Pentagon?

All have the same bylaws and is why the Nazis infiltrated the democrat party and have imposters in the Republican party called RHINOS.
Antifa is part of the Nazi Party. Period.
Hitler's Army was and still is 30% if not now 90% Islam.

Democrat implementations are 100% Nazi.
Nazi KKK Islam doctrine is as follows: Use those who we will kill after we assume power by defeating the RIGHT. (God's People).
For in the end they will not be able to defend the left. Islam KKK and Islam bylaws
require to purge the entire planet of Gay people, colored people, sick people, diseased people, deformed people.
Notice how the above doctrine is the OPPOSITE of the REPUBLICAN PARTY AKA GOP?

I ain't done yet.

250,000,000 websites blacklisted by YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter. Also 1,000,000,000 plus people
who don't want a new world order have been unable to voice themselves anywhere on the web.

John F Kennedy (D)
Asked Americans for help.
They killed him!
He was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. That is so idiotic to even assume he did.
Deepstate always will commit a false flag, murder, event, or whatever and blame one of the people or group they killed. Every time.

To be continued.......................

The Deep state are the NAZIS!
Nazis Islam and KKK have the same bylaws.
That is why the Nazis infiltrated the Democrat party.
Can you see it now?
Think about it.
Why do rhinos' side with the democrats?
Because they are Nazi too.
Prescott Bush funneled money to Hitler.
George H W Bush head of CIA oversaw the JFK assignation.
Clintons are KKK Nazi.
George W Bush oversaw the time frame CIA NSA flew remote 747 planes into the towers.
Marvin Bush was in charge of security and nano thermite production at Lockheed Martin advanced weapons facility.
Obama AKA Barry Sotero is Islamist Nazi.
Biden is KKK Nazi Islamist.
Do I really need to keep typing this????
Why is Nazi controlled media blacklisting thousands of websites, banning millions of conservatives when they post PROOF democrats say does not exist.
Well, if you have NAZIS blocking evidence you probably cannot see it right???
It does not take a brain scientist to see Nazis have infiltrated the entire United States of America.
Here is a kicker.
NWO Nazis killed Saddam and Qaddafi why?
Because they protected Christians.
Guns ran into Mexico were not for a sting.
They were being funneled to CIA hit men AKA insurgents in Syria to attack Assad.
Eventually to go after Putin who protects Christians.
NWO is a One World Satanic Empire.
Its in the Bible.
Babylon is Iraq.
Copy and paste and watch social websites ban you lol.
P.S. Obama financed ISIS with pallets of cash dropped by B2 bombers in the middle of the night and is not in prison?
Fuck em all.
Lock them all up.

I found this during my hours of looking through posts and articles, news.
Follows in the footsteps of the President.
This is why 230 needs to go!

This was sent to me by a friend.
How do you combat this type of illegal stuff stopping freedom of speech? 

From a FB fact checker on another social media site.
I have protected this person’s identity.: “I can't say this on Facebook, but I feel it's important to say.
I was a facebook Fact Checker.
And your conspiracy theories about Facebook, are truer than you realize.
I work for a company named Appen.
We are a 3rd party freelance contract company.
A few years ago, Facebook approached us with an offer.
He couldn't legally censor people on his platform because he plead to congress that he was an open forum.
So, he uses several 3rd parties' companies to "Fact Check", and otherwise censor, information.
Justin Trudeau has been taking action in Canada, China, and America, to prepare us for the Great Reset, and by us, I refer to civilians.
Part of this process is to work with Zuckerburg and Dorsey to restrict the flow of information,
and to push the statutes of the Reset into people's minds, repetition is the key here.
We coordinate our efforts with a company in India, from our base in Canada,
to provide our censorship services to Facebook.
A lot of this information, you probably already guessed.
But here's what you might not have known
We have specific directives on what to fact check and how to fact check.
I'm going to list off a couple of these directives: 1)
First off, primarily conservative and right leaning posts on twitter and facebook make it to our service. 2)
Left leaning posts are to be ignored and never manually flagged, it doesnt matter if it violates ToS or even federal law.
If facebook gets in trouble they blame us, and they can't do anything because we're not based in America,
so we give the government the run around and nothing can be done.
It's worked so far. 3) Zuckerburg created a program that feeds posts automatically into our service,
it analyzes content in posts, searching for common images and lines of text,
and if it matches any of our guidelines it gets automatically flagged and entered into our system to be "Fact Checked".
So we don't just go looking for conservative posts, Zuckerburg sends them to us with his automatic program. 4)
If there are multiple ideas in a conservative post, only 1 of them needs to be potentially disputable.
We are to flag an entire article as disputed/false/discredited/untrue/etc even if theres only 1 idea thats not completely confirmed. 5)
Even ideas that are confirmed, don't matter unless its a left leaning idea.
What this translates to is as long as we all push the same idea, what we say becomes truth.
That's standard psychology, and American's are the easiest to manipulate with this.
The only thing making it difficult is their Freedoms that are not common in most countries around the world,
which forces us to deal with America in a different way. 6)When we write articles for politico, nyt, etc
we are allowed to mark a title or article as true as long as at least 3 of the core ideas in the article or post are potentially true.
Keyword here is potentially, it can be completely false, but as long as we can cite a source that argues in our favor,
we can confirm it 100% true. The inverse is also true, if we can find even 1 source that dictates something to be potentially false,
we can mark the entire article/post. 7) We write articles, and then cite our own articles as evidence.
Check the fine print of each article, we always cite ourselves,
but what you might not know, is that only a handful of companies are actually writing the articles for dozens of websites,
news media, and mass media. This isn't unique to America,
we've done this in countries around the world for a very long time. 8 )
We only allow members to join us if they pass a test,
this test is an opinion-based survey, however,
they must answer all left leaning, or they are not allowed to join, we won't be diluted. 9)
This part I cannot confirm, but I am suspicious that China has more to do with this than just their involvement with Canada,
but again, i can't confirm that,
thats just my personal theory because we're not allowed to say anything negative in our business chats about China's government. 10)
This is all preparation for the Great Reset, by getting Trump out, because he opposed the idea.
Biden has agreed to go full on into it, which is why he's been getting such a big hand from Facebook and Twitter, however, it's much bigger than just that.
In our new world order, we'll control not just national news, but global news.
By controlling the global narrative, we control what information you're allowed to know and what you're allowed to think. 11)
There are contingencies in place, Trump cannot win.
We have members of Congress apart of this, and soon the President and VP. 12)
If a Civil War breaks out, it will be according to our plan.
We hope for it, and we tried to use Race to spark it in America, if that doesn't work,
ISIS is on stand by for when Biden is in office.
This was determined along time ago, or so i'm told. 13)
I no longer work for this company.
I registered with them using a fake identity.
While I am afraid that they'll find out,
I'm hoping this post is just an obscure enough place to start leaking information without drawing too much attention too quickly.
My hope is that this information gets out, but you cannot change what's already in place. 14)
I left because what they were doing was appalling to me.
I can't stand by and watch this happen.
My original job was to consult with Walmart and Facebook on customer engagement and advertisement engagement, as well as website management.
This isn't what I signed up for.
Now all the new recruits are immediately pushed into this Facebook fact checker conspiracy.
It's sickening.
I'll say that facebook at least pays up, which is the only reason I think most of us were doing it this long.
I'm under a very strict NDA, so I had to use a throw away account. 15)
You can't change what's to come,
but what you can do is get the message out to not just Americans, but everyone in every country that values Freedom.
There are allies all over the world that are resisting this, especially in France and Australia.
If you want to remain free, you have to hope that Trump can pull out a miracle,
but i already know its not possible, trust me when I say, they'll make sure people die before they let him get another 4 years.
If that happens, Americans, do what you need to do to keep your country free.
Protect yourselves

If Trump fails, I will not just sit by and wait for the destruction of our country.

I'm psychic and I don't a flying fuck if you think I'm full of shit because facts are facts and shit happened and will happen and always has so there :)
Here's a post I put on  6/23/21 about them wanting to make people wear masks permanently.
Yeah, fuck that shit. 

That's just a fear factor to get you to take a Nano syrup to genocide yourselves.
Long ago on George Nory Coast To Coast AM broadcast while pulling a set of doubles up the Colorado river run in my semi,
a guy came on the radio, voice shaking saying he had been trying and trying to get on the air to warn the masses of a coming genocide.
He said he was from the NSA and he was literally crying.
He said the CIA has a thing called algorithm search (They didn't have that back then by the way)
and he would be dead before the sun went back down but he couldn't take it anymore.
He felt that if he didn't say anything it would be worse than death. I never forgot this broadcast.
He said they've developed a Nano syrup injection that suspends the cold for a short time yet removes your bodies ability to fight any disease and you will eventually die.
The test is also developed by them that basically creates a false positive of a virus that doesn't exist.
It gives a positive if you have spit in your body.
Masks and massive fear will cause innocent gullible people to take the syrup and die.
Not to take anything away from this guy but I have had so many psychic predictions come true and this is one of them.
I predicted 911 in 1990.
My boss wanted me to take a piss test.
But it wasn't funny when I seen my DAYDREAM NIGHTMARES come to life on TV.
I've found many people who have stolen shit from me.
Most I never met.
I found a guy who tried to kill me.
Never met him.
He is in Florence prison as I type this.
The Pinal county sheriff looked at me as if he seen a ghost when I picked him out of the lineup he brought over to my girlfriends house.
The vision I cannot get out to enough people or get anyone to believe even though I've been right ONE HUNDRED PERCENT
is an invasion by terrorist and major cities blown to hell. Massive street fighting.
When Obama's excuse for a gun sting that was actually guns ran to terrorist was busted the pieces started to align.
Benghazi was a or probably still is again thanks to deepstate, a staging area to run guns to Syria.
McCain was in charge of arming ISIS to take on Assad because Assad protects Christians
just like Saddam and Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi did. Take note:
They wanted to go after Putin too. Putin has built over 30,000 Christian churches.

McCain Lyndsy Graham Obama and Deepstate actors did a coup in Ukraine and REINSTALLED

Our deepstate who killed JFK uses Nazi propaganda to trick gullible people.
I was fooled for a moment and most of my childhood too.
I am more scared than most as I have seen shit before it happened.
I always prove myself. Fuck. I've picked the Powerball last number 13 of 14 draws straight!!!
Guys at the lumberyard stared at me as if I was the DEVIL .
We have a 6th sense and most deny it.

I cannot deny it as it is REAL.
Detox and test yourself.
Nazis first started blocking that ability with fluoride. 
Fluoride suppresses the gland and actually fucks you up.
Kills tooth decay???
That's another Nazi trick as it kills it while it kills you too lol.
Nazi KKK Islam have the same ideology and is why Hitler army was 30% Islam.
Now do you see why the Democrat party who Nazis took over is how they are?
Democrats created the KKK. Hitler liked that. Democrats side with Muslim aka Islamist.
Hitler liked that. Democrats accuse the other party of what they do.
Hitler did that.
That fact is John F Kennedy warned us and he was right.
Guess who is NOT Nazi?
Puzzle pieces fit.
We are in DEEP SHIT.
Improvise and exercise and get ready for shit.
Have protocols set for unforeseen events because they are coming.
The bible isn't so whack now as it is coming out in BOLD TEXT before our eyes.
Name given to me by gangbangers because I'm not scared to speak truth.
Idiots call truthers crazy.
So I ran with the name. 

The Facts and Stories

Since 1915, the Bush family have been involved in several great wars - World War Two and Nazi Germany included.
In 1915, the nightmare began with the unholy partnership between the U.S. Government and The War Industries Board.
One of the members on the board was Samuel P. Bush - George W. Bush's great-grandfather.
All members of the board became known as 'Merchants of Death', using the façade of the government to legitimize their operations. 
The War Industries Board represented the great munitions makers of the time and dispatched agents around the world to sell weapons and materials of war to both sides of any conflict.
They bribed government officials and used their corporate influence and capitol to increase international tensions,
which in turn generated demand and maximized profit.

During the First World War, Samuel P. Bush, as well as other board members, made fortunes by selling these weapons to the U.S. and Germany.
All records and correspondence related to the activities that Samuel P. Bush were involved in while he was on the
War Industries Board were mysteriously burned to 'save space' in the U.S. National Archives.
When their business venture officially ended on November 11, 1918, 
they had set a dangerous precedent for the destiny of America and the destiny of civilization itself.
A small group of corporate manufactures, bankers,
and industrialists had formulated a devilishly effective method by which profit is extracted from human suffering,
war, and death, and their dark technique would be repeated and refined.

In 1919, Missouri deal-maker Bert Walker became the president and CEO of the W.A. Harriman and co. bank,
which became one of the largest companies in the world. In 1922,
George Walker was president at W.A Harriman and Co. Averell Harriman went to Berlin to set up a branch bank for the company.
While in Berlin Averell Harriman became acquainted with Fritz Thyssen,
prime supporter of the German Politician,
Adolf Hitler. Preliminary arrangements were then made to establish a bank for Thyssen in New York,
and, two years later in 1924, W.A. Harriman & Co. began the Union Banking Corporation in Manhattan.
This handled German funds supplied through the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (BHS),
in the Netherlands, for the mass purchase of American commodities. The W. A. Harriman & Co executives labelled these dealings,
"The Hitler Project". On May 1st 1926 Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush,
close friend of Bunny Harriman, joined W. A. Harriman & Co.
as its vice president under the bank’s president and his father-in-law George Walker.

On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of all banking operations being carried out by Prescott Bush for the Nazis,
Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, however by that time he and the other associates at W.A. Harriman & Co. had already made their fortunes financing and arming Adolph Hitler. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government was able to take over Union Banking Corporation,
and The U.S. Alien Property Custodian,
seized the Union Banking Corporation stock owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland Harriman,
and his associates until the war ended.

Despite "The Hitler Project" resulting in a second world war, Harriman,
Bush and the other members in the Union Banking Corporation were never prosecuted.

Here's DEMOCRAT president JOHN F KENNEDY being like TRUMP.

What If I Told You

White supremist are #Democrats.
Nazi KKK have the same bylaws and is why the Nazis didn't win but infiltrated the Democrat party who created the KKK.
In the end they after killing off the RIGHT will KILL off the COLORED PEOPLE who they use as FOOLS including Muslims.
We are just in the way.
But hey?
God said we are going to die heroes so, let it rip.
Who gives a fuck?
Apparently fools don't.


Use those who we will kill after we remove the opposition!

Google it

Bet Google has it blocked or WikiNazi edited it to another definition like they do everything else.

P.S. The vaccine is a NANO weapon to rid off 90% of whoever takes it or gets close to those who have


Ask DEMOCRAT president John F Kennedy if #DeepState is a threat

They've infiltrated


Democrats and Colored people were played for fools

Now we all might just die a horrible death

Thanks To Idiots

Soros Voting Systems

Soros uses this to take over countries
CIA uses WARS and Murders Opposition

McAfee was an assassination because he REFUSED to allow the CIA
to put spyware in the McAfee software.
Where is his 35 terabytes of dirt on the NSA CIA ATF FBI DEA?

In that building they destroyed in Florida?

Who knows

Back to psychic visions

I dreamt 911 in 1990 and have many witnesses. I would get sick to my stomach. Boss asked me if I needed to pee in a cup.
Then I saw it on T.V. so who's needing a pee cup now?

Polygraph Me!!!

Scary vision that hasn't happened, yet I repeatedly had on the 90's. Waking up in sweat, sometimes as if I just got a bucket
poured on me was Phoenix being blown up and street wars. Weird part we were shooting at brown people in the nightmares.
I have tons of Mexican friends, so this confused me till Obama became president and was trying everything possible to arm
terrorist. Now fast forward to today. Biden has now armed so called Taliban with billions of arms. This was on purpose.
Now go back to my 1986 nightmares. Phoenix is 5th largest city. Largest nuclear plant. City where AUDIT will show proof
of election fraud nationally and WORLDWIDE.
I'm pretty scared.
I have or wish to be doing other shit besides writing about world destruction.

Arizona should be labeled as a terrorist target and protected.

Maybe someone can do the math. I did the math. I'm not nuts. All the shit I said is true, became true and I see it before it happens.


Why Me?

I am banned for posting election fraud proof.
Truths about viruses
Calling queers queers (Seriously?)
about the
They'll probably kill me too.
Just like they killed all the thousands of other

So, bring it.

Bible says those who go to hell will scream forever and we will never know they existed
and their screams will be unheard, yet they'll know we made
it to heaven and they'll know they're in HELL.


Alex Jones Gets Sued for Sandy Hook for Stating (OPINION) on other NEWS SOURCES so called, Facts???

That's some pure satanic Nazi shit right there!
When is the last time you were in court and told you couldn't provide evidence?
You couldn't defend yourself? Last time that happened was in the forties in Nazi Germany.
Right? That's right. Nazi Germany. Incredible.
Nazis are on a stampede, and we are the DIRT.

I saw the news before the Nazi's blacklisted the news feeds.
I seen the men running from the school wearing never seen before high tech armor and weapons.
We are not retarded. We also saw the videos get deleted by Nazi Mainstream Media.

Click to enlarge

AP is owned by the Rothchilds.
It's propaganda.
Same shit they accuse Alex Jones of being.
That's a Nazi Tactic used by Hitler's regime. #History.

Isn't it odd the media is wrong a lot of the time,
Alex Jones is right 99% of the time yet the media

Click To Enlarge. Save it if you want.
What is going on here?

This isn't to suggest anything. All Alex did was state the obvious.
Why were men seen running into the forest?
Who were they?
Why haven't they come forward?
Why were they wearing never seen before high tech armory
and carrying high tech never seen before weapons?

Is it illegal to ask and publish questions in NaziMerica?

Just Saying.

Pretty Sad

Agenda 21

One of many pages of Obama Crimes

Script below has description link and hashtags

Copy, Paste, Spacebar, Post, Done

General Store

Have A Nice Day
Because Tomorrow We Might All Be Dead
Get Baptized
You Will Thank Yourself

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